Benefits of membership in the New Jersey Girls
Soccer Coaches Association
Benefits membership in the New Jersey Girls Soccer Coaches Association;
Players are eligible for NJGSCA Sectional and State recognition as well as USC Regional and National recognition
Players are eligible for three categories of scholarship; academic, summer camp, leadership
As a member of NJGSCA coaches are automatically enrolled as members of the National Soccer Coaches Association of America which affords these additional benefits;
United Soccer Coaches (USC), soccer’s national coaching association. Click on the link below for information on the benefits of USC membership
United Soccer Coaches​​
Benefits of NSCAA Membership
Soccer Journal
Published seven times a year in print and once annually online, Soccer Journal is the Official Publication of NSCAA and is one of the few publications in the world produced exclusively for soccer coaches. Each issue contains technical and tactical articles, news and updates on important events, thoughts from opinion leaders in the sport and features on the interesting people and issues of the game. The value of the subscription alone is worth the cost of membership.
Members in the United States automatically receive $1 million in professional liability insurance, providing coverage for most soccer-related activities. The NSCAA's insurance consultant also can provide information on camp insurance through the Coaches' Choice program. For more information, contact Janice Briggs at Summit America Insurance Services at 800-955-1991.
Academy Programs
The benchmark of soccer coaching education is the NSCAA Coaching Academy program. Comprised of a variety of diploma courses, special clinics and symposiums, the Academy program offers something for coaches at every level of the game, from the parent coach to the experienced college coach. This program enjoys the support of three corporate partners: adidas, the official apparel and equipment supplier for Academy programs; Kwik Goal, the official supplier of goals and field equipment for the Academy; and Gatorade, the official sports drink of the Academy. NSCAA members always receive a discount on Academy events.
The NSCAA Convention is "The World's Largest Annual Gathering of Soccer Coaches." Held each January, it includes clinics and lectures by some of the greatest minds in soccer and offers something for coaches at every level of the game. The Convention also is the site of the nation's largest soccer-specific trade show, as well as meal, social and awards functions for soccer's constituent groups. Members receive a significant discount on Convention registration.
Awards and Recognition
The NSCAA administers an outstanding awards and recognition program which includes Coach of the Year, All-America, long-term service and special recognition awards, designed to recognize excellence in soccer, academics and service to the game. Regional and national rankings also are conducted for high school and college programs. In all, nearly 10,000 individual awards are presented by the NSCAA each year. These awards and recognition are available only to NSCAA member coaches and their players.
Web Page
Visit the NSCAA on-line at www.NSCAA.com for the latest in news and notes about the association and the game. The site includes coaching articles and tips, registration information and forms for upcoming events, the latest team rankings during the college and high school seasons and links to online learning programs from the English Football Association's coaching education arm, FA Learning, which offers a variety of coaching courses. The National Center for Sports Safety provides access to a sports safety and first aid course. For more information, visit the Online Learning section of NSCAA.com. The site also includes a section reserved for members only which features special offers and additional coaching information.
Licensed Apparel
A full line of distinctive coaching gear sets you apart as a member of the NSCAA through our licensed apparel program with adidas. NSCAA has designated Eurosport as its Official Electronic and Direct Mail Retailer. That means NSCAA members can purchase NSCAA-logoed adidas products through Eurosport.
Special Discount Programs
NSCAA negotiates special discount programs for its members in a variety of categories and services. These programs generally are available upon presentation of your NSCAA membership card or a special discount number. The benefits offered in this program change as we identify new ways to serve our membership. The following is an overview of some of the current benefits:
Partner Discount Programs
Choice Hotels - The Official Hotel and Motel of the NSCAA. Members can make reservations at special rates using a discount code from Choice Hotels. For more information.
Kwik Goal - The Official Equipment Sponsor and Supplier of the NSCAA. Kwik Goal has special packages highlighting equipment used in the NSCAA Academies and strength and conditioning tools available to NSCAA members. To view these offers.
Maxwell Medals and Awards - The Official Awards Provider of the NSCAA. Members receive a discount on the purchase of awards and other products available through Maxwell.
Soccer Learning Systems - The Official DVD Provider of the NSCAA. Members receive a 10 percent discount on all SLS products, including the NSCAA coaching education DVD series and NSCAA books from Human Kinetics. To shop the SLS website for NSCAA Coaching Education videos.
TactFoot/AVC Media - Receive a discount on the purchase of TactFoot animation software from AVC Media that will animate your activities. For more information.
Additional Discounts Available to NSCAA Members
Award Rings - Balfour Sports is the exclusive provider of rings for the NSCAA Awards Program. Personalized rings are available for most NSCAA coach and player award categories, and a membership ring also is available. For more information, contact Balfour at 800-225-3687.
LifeLock Identity Theft Protection - NSCAA members can sign up for less than half the price for this service that helps keep your identity safe and guarantees up to $1,000,000 in losses should an identity theft occur, including the cost of identity restoration. For more information.
National Soccer Hall of Fame - Located in Oneonta, N.Y., the National Soccer Hall of Fame is a shrine to the game's history in the USA. Members receive free admission and a $2.50 discount on additional non-member adult admissions when they present their NSCAA membership card at the ticket office. Visit the National Soccer Hall of Fame on the web at www.soccerhall.org.
NSCAA Convention Video Sessions - Purchase online or in-home individual and/or full sets of the educational sessions from the most recent NSCAA Convention. For more information.
Patchworks - Provides discounts on custom-made patches and various stock patch programs.
Reedswain - Members receive a discount on books and videos from Reedswain.
United Soccer Leagues - Your NSCAA membership card entitles you to one free admission to any regular-season game of the USL professional leagues. Individual franchises reserve the right to limit admissions.
Magazine Discounts - NSCAA members can obtain special discounts for the following magazines by accessing the Members Only section of NSCAA.com. Among the titles available are:
90:00 Magazine - A monthly soccer feature magazine.
Champions League Magazine - Published in England, this magazine is a feature and coaching education magazine dedicated to the Champions League.
Fairplay Magazine - Dedicated to the women's game.
Performance Soccer Conditioning - The latest ideas in strength and conditioning trends and activities for the sport of soccer.
Success in Soccer - Coaching education from domestic and international resources.
Incentive Programs
We believe our best ambassadors are our current members. From time to time the NSCAA conducts membership drives and special contests to enable you to win prizes and discounts for bringing coaching colleagues into the NSCAA family. A special anniversary program offers gift certificates to members who reach important NSCAA membership milestones. It's our way of saying "thank you" for being a member.
High School Scoreboard - Sponsored by Eurosport, Soccer Information Systems and the NSCAA, the High School Scoreboard has participating teams from over 36 states and is growing daily. High school members can download their schedule to the site and then follow up by posting the match results as they happen.
Giving Back to the Game
The NSCAA family believes it is important to give back to the sport that has been so enjoyable and rewarding to coaches. That's why we make annual contributions to important charitable organizations like Special Olympics, America Scores, Soccer in the Streets and others. These donations help the less fortunate enjoy the world's greatest game. You can support this effort by making a contribution when you sign up or renew your membership.
The NSCAA donates $2 of every fully paying member's annual dues to the NSCAA Foundation, which is dedicated to providing a legacy for the organization through such projects as a gallery at the National Soccer Hall of Fame and a permanent national headquarters for the organization.